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  • “October 31st will be the 1 year anniversary of the sale to Rich. I think it has gone very well and benefited everyone...the employees, Rich and me. With good decisions, a good economy, and good luck this should continue. I’m willing to speak with anyone you wish about how well our transaction went!   Bill.”

    – Note to Yarmouth Venture Group from Bill Nelson on the 1 year anniversary of the sale of his company, Blackstone Industries, to Rich Milici, a YVG Client.

  • “Hi Alan, I hope all is off to a good start, a new beginning at Nameplates, for you, Renaud and everyone that's part of the Nameplates team. I also wanted to thank you personally for bringing Renaud and I together, for the professionalism and honesty shown throughout the process that resulted in both buyer and seller getting what they wanted. A perfect deal! I wish you both the best of luck, good fortune and success going forward. Sincerely, Don”

    – Note to Alan Rose from Don Rudnick, after the closing of the sale of his company, Nameplates, to Renaud Megard, a YVG Client.

Business Owners

Article Index

"The Decision"

Almost every business owner comes to "The Decision" regarding selling or recapitalizing your business. For most business owners, especially Micro Market business owners, this could be the most significant decision of your professional life.

But ... for most business owners, selling your business is unfamiliar territory. Many questions come to mind.

  • Is this the right time to sell my business?
  • How will I find the right buyer?
  • How will I prevent my employees, vendors, customers and competitors from knowing my business is for sale?
  • Should I be concerned that the WRONG buyer will remove my employees?
  • I've never sold a business before.  How will I learn about this process?
  • How long will it take to sell my business?

Compounding the difficulty of "The Decision" is that industry surveys show that only one in four businesses offered for sale will ever complete a sale. Facts show there are significant hurdles for sellers to find the right buyer, set the right price and structure the right deal.

Among the reasons cited for the 25% closing rate are:

  • Business can't support the asking price
  • Buyer can't secure financing necessary
  • Lack of buyer/seller chemistry
  • Legal and/or environmental problems
  • Failure of professional advisors to coordinate
  • Weak market conditions

For the majority of shareholders of Micro Market businesses, the manner in which "The Decision" to sell or recapitalize your business is handled might significantly impact the remainder of your professional career and your personal life.